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Octuple pompoms, part II

Continuing from part I where I showed the etch design for the new octuple pompoms. I published only the Mk V, but I was working on three models: the pompom guns in question are the octuple Mk V and Mk VI and the quad Mk VII.

The Mk V gun is the prewar version (then called the Mk M, M for multiple) first fitted to HMSs Valiant, Nelson, Rodney, Hood, Furious, Royal Sovereign and Renown. The Mk VI, fitted in 1934 and onward, is nearly the same with minor differences in the platform and gun cradle (central weapon housing). Several capital ships were fitted with one or two of either type, although a shortage of the guns meant that Renown and Valiant initially received only one. Both types were later updated to automated fire resulting in the Mk VA and Mk VIA. Guns designated with a * behind their Mark denote a weapon fitted with guns firing a shell at a higher muzzle velocity. Later versions were remote powered denoted RP10, RP11 and RP50. Most ships were fitted with a mix of versions of both Mks or remote power units. The Mk VII is the quadruple version with again many variants, e.g., the Mk VII*P being the high muzzle-velocity self-contained power mounting. The late war version of both the octuple (Mk VIA* rpxx with the aft part of the mount fully enclosed by shielding) and quad guns (Mk VII P*) are much more complicated to make and are a completely different weapon to model. Of course, John Lambert drawings has all of them but you have to stop somewhere. The differences between the Mk V and Mk VI are slight but as HMS Hood has two Mk Vs and one Mk VI (on the bandstand just behind X-turret) I wanted to have both correctly modeled. I currently do not know for sure how to distinguish between the normal and automatic (A) fire guns or high-velocity versions, but I suspect that the (conical) flash suppressor is typical for the automatic version? Most ships were upgraded to these types of barrel at some point in their life.

I have prepared a few images showing the early/mid war versions of the weapon and how to recognize them.

This is an excellent image of a Mk M or Mk V aboard HMS Rodney, taken from Man O’War 3 (1979) by Raven & Roberts. Note the small ‘hatch’ on top of the gun cradle. This is typical for the Mk V. No flash suppressors are seen on this weapon. It appears that the gun sites are already the more modern version than those on the Mk M. Note the two sailors loading the ammunition.

The Mk VIA* is the gun you’ll see on most ships, here aboard HMS Prince of Wales taken from Ensign 1 (1972) by Raven. Note the structure on top of the gun cradle is different and two ridges are visible. This weapon was fitted with flash suppressors at the end of the gun barrels. The early ships of the King George V class were delivered with these weapons, later expanded to as much as eight octuple mountings. Note that the gun sights are the sights as in most photo-etch detail sets, but that these sights do not appear on early versions of the pompoms.

This is an image of a pompom Mk VA* aboard HMS Nelson or Rodney (forgot source). Note the small hatch on the gun cradle in combination of the flash suppressors at the end of the gun barrels, so we can be sure this is a Mk V, not a Mk VI. After both Rodney and Nelson were fitted with more pompoms near their secondary battery, quarterdeck and B-turret (Mk VIA), it appears that the older Mk V weapons received new guns (or were upgraded to version *). Pictures of both battleships—and many others—after fitting the additional modern pom poms show the barrels with the flash suppressors.

This image shows Mk VIs prior to 1939 without the flash suppressors. Images of this version are a bit harder to find. Note the ridges on top of the gun cradle. The top of the image is part of a photograph taken on board HMS Ark Royal from British Battleships of World War Two (1976) by Raven & Roberts; the two lower images were taken aboard HMS Hood with permission from the official HMS Hood site. Again, the ridge on top of the gun cradle is visible. Note that the weapon was not fitted with flash suppressors at the end of the gun barrels, so those suppressors clearly do not give away the type of mounting version.

This pom pom has water cooling jackets around the barrels, indicative of it being an RSP mount. Note the splinter shielding on the aft platform of the weapon. HMSs Howe and Anson were fitted with these modern variants. This image is reproduced with permission from Maritime Quest.

I made a small list of what battleship was fitted with what type of weapon and if they were fitted with or without the flash suppressors (new barrels) so you know what gun to place on what ship. This list is based mostly on Raven & Roberts British Battleships of World War Two, one of the few references that state what weapon was fitted, though not in full detail for each ship. The list is complemented and corrected by observation of what pics I could find that clearly show the type of barrel and/or type. It’s not always clear if, for example, if HMS Valiant and HMS Queen Elizabeth retained their older pompoms after their refit, as with HMS Rodney and HMS Nelson, or received all-new units as with HMS Renown. I’ll try to keep this list updated when necessary.

Last update: June 2010.

*    New barrel with conical flash supressor

HMS Queen Elizabeth
1936 2x Mk VI
1941 4 x Mk VI*A
HMS Valiant
1930 1 x Mk V (starboard only)
1932 2 x Mk V
1941 4 x Mk VI*A
HMS Barham
1934 2 x Mk VI
1941 4 x Mk VI*
HMS Warspite
1934-36 1 x Mk V , 1 x Mk VI
1937 1 x Mk V , 3 x Mk VI (4 x Mk VI*?, new barrels)
Images taken in 1937 show old barrels, but new barrels in 1943. Replaced during the refit in 1942? All units replaced?
1941 1 x Mk *V , 3 x Mk V*I
HMS Malaya
??? 1 x Mk V, 1 x Mk VI
1941 1 x Mk V*, 3 x Mk VI*

HMS Hood
1931 2 x Mk M
1938 2 x Mk M, 1 x Mk VI

HMS Renown
1932 1 x Mk V (port side not fitted)
1936 1 x Mk V, 1 x Mk VI
1939 3 x Mk VI*A (all replaced)

HMS Repulse
1934 2 x Mk VI
1940 3 x Mk VI

HMS Rodney
1932/33 2 x Mk V Abreast forward side funnel
1938 2 x Mk V, 1 Mk VI*A (aft deck)

This image taken in October 1940 shows the new type of barrel aboard HMS Rodney. Image from the Imperial War Museum Collections Online Database.
1941 2 x Mk V*, 3x Mk VI* (one on aft deck) 1 Mk VII* on B-turret

HMS Nelson
1934 2 x Mk V Abreast forward side funnel
1940 3 x Mk V (one on Q-deck), + 2 x Mk VI (in place of secondary director-control tower)
1941-1942 3 x Mk V*, 2 x Mk VI* + 1 Mk VI* on B-turret (6)

HMS Resolution
1936 2 x Mk V/VI?
1941 2 x Mk V/VI* , 2 x Mk VI*I (B-turret, Q-deck)

This image of HMS Resolution from the HMS Resolution association shows new barrels for the quadruple pompoms.
HMS Revenge
1931 1 x Mk V (starboard only)
1939 1 x Mk V, 1 x Mk V/VI (type not know, probably Mk VI)
1941 1 x Mk V*, 1 x Mk V/VI*?, 2 x Mk VII* (B-turret, X-turrets)
HMS Royal Oak
1934 2 x Mk VI
HMS Royal Sovereign
1932 2 x Mk V
1942 2 x Mk V*, 2 x Mk VII* (B-turret, X-turret,)
HMS Ramillies
1934 2 x Mk VI
1941 2 x Mk VI*, 2 x Mk VII* (B-turret, X-turret)

This image from 1944 is reproduced with permission by Mick French & the HMS Ramillies Association, showing new barrels on the excentrically placed quad pompoms.

King George V class
All ships had the Mk VI or later with the new barrel
HMS King George V
1940 4 x Mk VI*
1941 5 x Mk VI*, 1 x Mk VII* (Y-turret)
1944 8 x Mk VI*
HMS Prince of Wales
1941 March 4 x Mk VI*
1941 July 5 x Mk VI*, 1 x Mk VII*

This image taken during the Atlantic Charter clearly shows that a quad pompom was fitted to HMS Prince of Wales’ Y-turret, still present on images taken as late as December 1941; she never carried an octuple pompom in this location. (courtesy of the United Nations

HMS Duke of York
6 x Mk VI*
1946 8 x Mk V*I, 6 x Mk VII*
HMS Anson
1942 6 x Mk VI* RSP?
1944 8 x Mk VI* RSP?, 4 x MK VII*
HMS Howe
1942 6 x Mk VI* RSP?
1944 8 x Mk VI* RSP?,
1945 8 x Mk VI* RSP?, 6 x Mk VII*

Searchlights, part II

The Searchlight part I post showed how the searchlight frame was made including the design for the etched parts. The design is repeated here:

The lantern is mostly made up from etched parts with one large to-be-rolled strip and some additional detail parts.

The rolling took some testing (made a few test lanterns first), but worked out well in the end. A stepped end cap was made with the lathe later sanded down to give the lantern its curved back.

The top detail has a small positioning block for the exact positioning (see top image, center, repeated on the rear surface of the detail part), the side parts are aligned on the lantern’s inclination axis. A small jig was made to hold the lantern in place while gluing the front detail into position.

The parts on the side really add a lot of wonderful detail. The parts were first rolled into shape and then added.

And here are the completed parts. Some brass wire (0.1) is added to the lantern top. The searchlight can still rotate for ease of painting. I doubt the inclination axis (i.e., small brass wire) will be visible after painting as a) the searchlights were usually set looking downward and b) I think I’ll add some glazing material to the PE front.


Two paravanes were mounted just aft of the conning tower, stowed to a bulkhead. Two others were stored in the lockers in the forward breakwater. There are many pictures of paravanes at The Vickers Photographic Archive. The size was determined from several Anatomy of the Ship series and estimates from photographs.

I used a drawing from the Grand Prix Shuppan series as a starting point for the design of the etched parts. Most early Japanese warships had Royal Navy style equipment on board and this drawing is an excellent match.

Note that the paravanes are not stored flat to the bulkhead, but at an angle. There’s a lifting eye on the superstructure and a hoist on the paravane that is off center so this was probably the easiest way to store it.

The part itself is made up from a tapered tube (lathe) and a series of etched parts. The cradles are already fixed to the models. The hoists aren’t in the same spot, but these parts are very very small and also not well visible when fixed to the model.

There isn’t really much else to say, except that they are very small and took about five hours to assemble.

History of the model

Now that my HMS Hood project has been running for ten years, I feel melancholic so I have a few historic pictures. It also answers two important questions I get from time to time: isn’t this really the model by White Ensign Models and why does it take ten years to make a model? Last question first. When I started with this model, I didn’t know how to make my own parts and had to learn. I rebuilt several parts several times. I also moved twice and had to finish my PhD. These things have a knack for declaring spare time null and void for a few years. I now have a large garden and we (Oh, got married too) occasionally spend a lot of time working around the house. Plus, my modeling has experienced many periods of months of inaction. I’m not constantly working on the model; it’s more like a plant I occasionally water…. The pictures below are a few shots I saved. The quality is not so good, but hey, so weren’t the digital cameras then…

The model did start out as the model by White Ensign. I first bought the model by Iron Shipwright but was so disappointed by the quality I sent it back. The WEM model was much better but still… a few changes here and there…. Already the quarterdeck was leveled and replaced by grooved styrene.

The bridge was partly replaced based on the drawings also sold at WEM’s. Still, didn’t feel quite right.

Much better! All possible sources of error removed. All WEM parts were trashed and even the etch set was declared obsolete (but found a good home). By this time you might be thinking: wasn’t that a really expensive model? Yes, it was. Nowhere near as expensive as it is now, mind you, so water under the bridge.

The forecastle and quarterdeck hatches were to be modeled as open, so the rooms below decks were made to scale. I now want to have HMS Hood modeled underway to intercept Bismarck with all ladders stowed, so I guess I have to close both hatches.

These two pics show the new grooved styrene in place. The new hull plating is visible. This was a major disaster and took a lot of time to correct. Looks alright now, but it’s still a good argument to make a waterline model!

This is one of the earlier attempts at making the superstructure. It was reasonably well on its way but was later scrapped. The plating was too thin and the part is not solid enough. Nor is the current part but it doesn’t deform as much as this one. Note: this is a bad way for making a superstructure.

Same for this little part. In fact, the entire bridge, superstructure, funnels and aft searchlight platform were made at least once and later thrown away. No wonder the model isn’t done.

Turrets, Mk I. No, still not good enough. Who would have thought I would be sending new turrets back to WEM?

So, not counting the hull, I could have had at least two almost complete HMS Hood models done by now. But I kept the hull and that is a constant source of worry; the decks are glued in place with superglue and the thought of the failure of that bond alone… But so much work was done on the hull that I had to keep it; all the latest parts fit so nice to the old hull that I won’t risk a new one. All the armor plating was completely replaced too, so there’s a bit of resin hull in there but not on the outside. The deck problem is also fixed; the superstructure will be directly fixed into the resin with very small M1 screws (I’ll have another post on that subject later). Should have known earlier that that was a good idea, but I suppose that is part of the learning process too? For me, modeling is about recreating the parts and having fun and not about actually finishing the model. Still, I’m set of finishing it within one or two years now. That’s quite soon, isn’t it?

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